Art. 1 Under the name “Swiss Fintech Ladies” there is an association within the confines of Art. 60 ff. ZGB as a legal entity. The association has an indefinite duration and is located in Cham, Canton Zug.
Art. 2 The objective of the “Swiss Fintech Ladies” is to achieve an open dialogue between all levels of business, science, the public sector and civil society, to recognize the role of women as founders and to discuss and reflect the key factors of successful business creation by Swiss Fintech . At the same time, questions and systemic issues are to be considered that encourage or deter women from founding a business. Existing interdependencies as well as the systemic network of economic activity and the increasing decisions under uncertainty will be given priority and will be researched, including what this combination of factors means for Swiss Fintech. The Swiss Fintech Ladies strengthens mechanisms that alleviate the handling of these challenges, in particular self-reflection, self-organization, ecosystem networking, coopetition, co-creativity by Swiss Fintech and also examines the barriers and success factors that facilitate or hinder founding by women founders , Another focus of the Swiss Fintech Ladies is the intended exchange of experience of women’s start-ups, as well as the removal of obstacles to female founding. We want to report on these in a scientifically sound manner and thereby decisively shape the overall social dialogue process. This also involves launching the necessary initiatives and implementing concrete projects that develop and test new patterns. This includes providing information, research and services on Swiss Fintech and entrepreneurship, as well as working with other women entrepreneurship initiatives and developing an
ecosystem for Swiss Fintech. Thus, the time perspective of the Swiss Fintech Ladies goes beyond the day-today business and covers the next 5-30 years Art. 3 The association is politically and denominationally neutral. The association is charitable, does not pursue commercial purposes and does not seek profit.
Art.4 The sources of income of the association are in particular:
a) dues
b) Donations and donations of all kinds by patrons and sponsors
c) Income from partnership agreements
d) Income from service agreements
e) Contributions from private organizations and companies
f) income from own events
g) Public subsidies
h) Income from the association’s assets
Art. 5 The financial year corresponds to the calendar year. The first business year is an extended business year and ends on 31.12.2019.
Art. 6 Members can become natural and legal persons who support the purpose of the association. The executive committee can refuse the admission of members without giving reasons. Applications for membership must be submitted in writing (electronically) to the Executive Board.
Art. 7 Members have to pay an annual fee. This is to be determined by the board.
Art. 8 Individual members have one vote each.
Art. 9 The membership expires: for natural persons by resignation, expulsion or death. – in the case of legal persons, by resignation, expulsion or dissolution of the legal person.
Art. 10 A withdrawal from the club is possible on the date of the ordinary general meeting. The withdrawal then takes place at the end of the year. The letter of resignation must be addressed in writing to the Executive Board at least 10 days before the Ordinary General Meeting. For the beginning of the year, the membership fee is fully owed.
Art. 11 A member can be excluded from the board at any time without giving reasons. The board makes the exclusion decision; the member can move the exclusion decision to the general meeting. If a member owes the membership fee despite a reminder, it can be excluded from the board.
Art. 12 The organs of the association are:
a) the general assembly
b) the Executive board
c) the auditors
Art. 13 The supreme organ of the association is the general assembly. An ordinary general meeting takes place annually before 30.8. instead of. Members are invited to the general assembly in writing at least 20 days in advance, specifying the agenda. Invitations by e-mail are valid.
Art.14 Agenda items for the attention of the general assembly are to be addressed to the executive board at least 10 days before the general assembly.
Art. 15 1/3 of the members may at any time request the convening of an extraordinary general assembly, stating the purpose and reason for . The meeting must take place no later than 30 days after receipt of the request.
Art. 16 The General Assembly has the following tasks and competences:
a) Approval of the minutes of the last General Assembly
b) Approval of the annual report of the Management Board
c) Receipt of the audit report
d) Discharge of the Management Board and the statutory auditors
e) Election of the President and the other Executive Board as well as the auditors
f) passing resolutions on other business brought in by the members or the Executive Board.
g) Amendment of the Articles of Association
h) fixing the membership fees
i) Decision on recourse concerning exclusions of members
j) Resolution on the dissolution of the association and the use of liquidation proceeds
Art. 17 Each duly convened General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of members present. The members make the decisions with the simple more. In case of a tie, the chairperson takes the casting vote. Decisions are taken by open ballot unless 1/3 of the members present demand a closed ballot.
Art.18 The President of the Association Assembly presides the General Assembly. In absence or on request, another member of the Board takes over the chair.
Art. 19 Decisions taken must be protocolled in the minutes of the meeting .
Art. 20 The board consists of at least two to a maximum of four members and is elected by the general assembly for a term of office of four years. There is no maximum term of office, re-election is possible.
Art. 21 If members of the Executive Board resign or need new functions during the term of office, the Executive Board shall supplement itself. Such elections shall be submitted to the next General Assembly for approval.
Art. 22 The Board of Directors adopts resolutions by a simple majority, with the same number of votes the President has the casting vote. Abstentions are possible.
Art. 23 The board is composed of:
a) President
b) cashier
c) actuary
Other features required for club management. An office accumulation is permissible. The board constitutes itself. He chooses a president from among his own. The board is a volunteer for the goals of the association. Art. 24 The Management Board manages the day-to-day business and represents the association externally. He has all the powers that are not transferred by law or according to these statutes to another body.
Art. 25 The Board meets as often as business requires. Each member of the Management Board may require the convening of a meeting, stating the reasons. The Board may also appoint specialist groups, and may hire or appoint persons for adequate compensation in order to achieve the goals of the association.
Art. 26 Unless any member of the Management Board requests oral discussions , the resolutions are valid by circular vote (also e-mail).
Art. 27 The association is committed by the signature of the president together with another member of the executive board.
11. Auditors
Art. 28 The auditors consist of two natural or one legal person. The term of office is 4 years. Re-election is possible.
Art. 29 The auditors examine the associations accounts and report to the general .
Art. 30 The association’s assets are exclusively liable for the liabilities of the association. The personal liability of the members or the board for the liabilities of the association is excluded.
Art. 31 The voluntary dissolution of the association can be decided only in a general assembly called for this purpose and with a 2/3 majority of the entire members.The distribution of the association’s assets among the members is excluded.
Art. 32 The funds remaining after dissolution of the association shall be handed over to a non for profit institution with the same or similar purpose. The Executive Board has to make a proposal to the General Assembly.
Art. 33 The statutes have been approved in the present form by the founders in their founding meeting and come into force with the founding meeting of as of 13.11..2018.