VC4DIversity Pitch Events
Join us for our future events. Are you a startup or an investor? Please let us know in the message section below.
VC industry figures show that whilst an already very low percentage of female startups receive funding (2.8%), recent VC funding of female founders has fallen even further to around just 2.1%. And yet teams with female founders have been statistically proven to be extremely profitable.
That is why at SwissFinTechLadies, through our VC4DIversity initiative, we are committed to working with founding teams to improve access to finance for female founders, thereby also encouraging more female founders into the tech realm.
Our monthly VC4Diversity Pitch events are an opportunity for startups to pledge their commitment to diversity by pitching to our Investment Committee, providing they fulfil the following conditions:
- women hold at least 30 percent of the C-level roles;
- there is at least a 10 percent female shareholding. Alternatively the team can work with us on an action plan as to how they will attain these goals in 1 years' time.
Since the success of these efforts also rely on women investing in Tech, FinTech and Blockchain, we concurrently run our Female Business Angels investing initiative.
If you want to join us on the journey of growing the economy sustainably through financial inclusion, please fill out the form below.
Join us for our future events. Are you a startup or an investor? Please let us know in the message section below.